Webinar: Use Of Real-Time HABs Sensors For Drinking Water Treatment

By on December 2, 2015
Multi-parameter sondes, like the YSI EXO2, are perfect real-time sensors for HAB monitoring. (Credit: Ed Verhamme / LimnoTech)

Multi-parameter sondes, like the YSI EXO2, are perfect real-time sensors for HAB monitoring. (Credit: Ed Verhamme / LimnoTech)

For those interested in learning more about the use of real-time sensors in water treatment plants to monitor changes in source water quality, please consider attending this upcoming webinar. The webinar will discuss how HAB (harmful algal bloom) sensors are used in drinking water treatment plants across Ohio to monitor for the presence and abundance of cyanobacteria in source and raw water. This session is intended to provide insight into the equipment needed, approximate costs, discuss how operators use data from the sensors in real-time and how the sensors might help minimize treatment and monitoring costs.

You MUST pre-register for the webinar in order to participate. Attendance is limited, so please sign-up now at the link below.

Title: Webinar: Use of real-time HABs sensors for drinking water treatment
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Time: 11 AM – 12 PM Eastern Standard Time
Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4746904329196732930

Presentations will be given by Brenda Snyder from the University of Toledo, Ed Verhamme of LimnoTech and Paul Nieberding of Fondriest Environmental.

Presenter bios are below.

Brenda Snyder is an Associate Research Scientist at the University of Toledo and retired Head Chemist from the City of Toledo. Her 15-year tenure at the City of Toledo includes 6 years as chief chemist which was during the water crisis in 2014 when the city was faced with unsafe levels of toxic microcystin in its water and a “do not drink” advisory was sent to 500,000 residents, making national news. Brenda began using data from real-time water quality sensors immediately after the crisis and continues to advance technology and research applications for water treatment at the University of Toledo. Brenda graduated from The University of Toledo with a B.S. in chemistry and a B.S. in biology. Brenda is a member of AWWA (American Water Works Association) and serves on both the Ohio AWWA Research Committee and Technology Committee and retains her Class III Water Supply License.

Ed Verhamme is a Project Engineer at LimnoTech and has 10 years’ experience working on nutrient and water quality and HABs issues across the Great Lakes region. Ed has been involved with studying nutrient and eutrophication impacts in Green Bay, Saginaw Bay, and Western Lake Erie over the past 7 years. Since 2014, Ed has worked with over fifteen public water systems in Ohio to install and train operators on the use of water quality sensors to monitor for the presence of HABs in source waters. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University and is a member of AWWA and the International Association for Great Lakes Research.

Paul Nieberding is the General Manager of Fondriest Environmental with over 10 years of experience in the environmental measurement industry. He received his master’s degree in Business Administration from Wright State University and has been with the company since 2005. He plays an active role in system design, proposal creation, customer support and new product development. Fondriest Environmental is a full-service supplier of water quality monitoring systems in Ohio and throughout the U.S., offering equipment recommendations, systems integration, startup training, after-sales support and instrument repair.

Top image: Multi-parameter sondes, like the YSI EXO2, are perfect real-time sensors for HAB monitoring. (Credit: Ed Verhamme / LimnoTech)

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