Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards

Fondriest Environmental offers 1,413 uS conductivity standards in pint, quart, 1-gallon, and 5-gallon containers.


  • +/-1% accuracy with NIST traceability
  • Pre-mixed and ready to use
  • Temperature compensation scale
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 500mL bottle
3 Available
Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 1L bottle
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 4L bottle
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 4L cubitainer
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 10L cubitainer
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 20L cubitainer
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Fondriest Environmental 1,413 uS Conductivity Standards
Conductivity standard, 1,413 uS, 20mL pouches, pack of 20
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In The News

Van Essen Diver-Link Cellular Telemetry System with Diver-Hub

The Van Essen Diver-Link Cellular Telemetry System enables professionals to monitor water level, conductivity and temperature readings from their home or office. The near real-time data allows scientists, managers, and other environmental professionals to monitor flood events, well depths and groundwater levels.  Long-term monitoring allows users to develop trends on ever-changing climate conditions. The Van Essen Divers ( CTD-Diver, Cera-Diver, TD-Diver and Mirco-Diver) work well for monitoring water supply, tailing ponds, dewatering, contaminant plumes and hazardous waste storage sites . The Diver-Link allows users to monitor groundwater via the Diver-Hub Web Portal for real-time management of site data, equipment and water levels.

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What is Conductivity?

UPDATE : Fondriest Environmental is offering their expertise in conductivity through their new online knowledge base. This resource provides an updated and comprehensive look at conductivity and why it is important to water quality. To learn more, check out: Conductivity, Salinity and TDS. Salinity and conductivity  measure the water's ability to conduct electricity, which provides a measure of what is dissolved in water. In the SWMP data, a higher conductivity value indicates that there are more chemicals dissolved in the water. Conductivity measures the water's ability to conduct electricity. It is the opposite of resistance. Pure, distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity.

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Have You Heard? AI Buoys Revolutionizing Marine Mammal Monitoring in Whangārei Harbor, New Zealand

In one history, Whangārei Harbor, nestled in the lush hills of New Zealand’s North Island, gets its name from the Māori, “waiting for the breastbone of the whale.” It seems fitting, then, that it’s now home to state-of-the-art acoustic monitoring buoys listening for marine mammals around the clock. In September 2024, a team from Auckland-based underwater acoustics firm Cetaware Ltd installed NexSens buoys in Northport, a major commercial port at the entrance to the Whangārei Harbor. The first buoys to be installed by Cetaware in a permanent setting running 24/7, they use real-time artificial intelligence (AI) models to passively sense Delphinidae–from common dolphins to orcas. Dr.

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