New Thermo Scientific spectrophotometers simplify lab work

By on February 18, 2013
Thermo Fisher Scientific Orion Aquamate spectrophotometers

An upgraded line of spectrophotometers is helping scientists better analyze reflective qualities of wastewater and other fluid samples. New Orion AquaMate 7000 and 8000 spectrophotometers by Thermo Fisher Scientific offer advanced features and more flexible operation.

“The best new feature of the AquaMate spectrophotometers is the more than 260 preprogrammed methods customers can utilize to easily measure ions and compounds commonly found in water and wastewater samples,” said Ricki Hartwell, a product manager at Thermo Scientific. “These include ammonia, chlorine, COD (chemical oxygen demand), fluoride, nitrate and phosphorus, among others.”

Those preprogrammed methods can be adapted for new chemistries or customers can create their own custom methods. Hartwell said input from customers helped the company in putting together the new line.

“We solicited feedback from operators using other brands of spectrophotometers and asked what functions and features were essential and where was there room for improvement,” said Hartwell.

Due to that feedback, Hartwell said the one-point calibration was specifically improved. It allows users to tweak the equation of a preprogrammed method using a single, known standard.

Different vial sizes can be used with the new units, including vials of 10, 20 and 50 millimeters. An adjustable vial holder can accommodate irregular sizes.

“I have been very excited to demo these instruments,” said Hartwell. “Each time I show the process of loading a method and running samples, the participants are amazed how quickly measurements are completed.”

Three USB connections allow users to store testing methods and data to external memory devices and easily transfer them to another computer or print the data on inkjet and laser printers.

There are also performance verification tests to ensure accuracy and that instruments are working properly. Thermo Scientific aimed to make the new units as user-friendly as possible.

“Each preprogrammed method loads the correct wavelength and equation factors for a specific ion or compound,” said Hartwell. “So customers just select the method, prepare their samples and are ready to measure.”

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