Eos Arrow 100 GNSS Receivers

The Arrow 100 is a submeter, multi-constellation GNSS receiver designed to be used with any iOS, Android, or Windows device.


  • Full GNSS: GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou/QZSS
  • 100% Android, iOS, Windows compatible
  • 30-60cm real-time accuracy using free SBAS
Starting At $2,995.00
Eos Arrow 100 GNSS Receivers

High-Accuracy GNSS Receiver for any Smartphone, Tablet, or Laptop Computer
The Arrow 100 incorporates rock-solid, wireless Bluetooth technology to ensure high-accuracy locations and metadata can be provided to any device, making it a future-proof submeter GNSS receiver that can evolve with mobile hardware and software choices.

Works with any Mobile GIS App
The Arrow 100 GNSS receiver does not require any additional hardware or software in order to obtain submeter positioning. The Arrow 100 streams this submeter location data into any chosen mapping or data-collection app on a mobile device.

Real-time Submeter (or Better) Accuracy, Worldwide
The Arrow 100 takes advantage of all the global GNSS constellations for positioning: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou. Moreover, with free SBAS corrections in most regions of the world, this receiver provides 30 to 60cm real-time accuracy. For areas without free SBAS, the Arrow 100+ is available and supports the Atlas H50 satellite subscription service to achieve 30-50cm accuracy worldwide.

Multiplexing with the Arrow 100+
The Arrow 100+ has the functionality of the Eos Bridge Bluetooth connector built-in. Connect the Arrow 100+ to any third-party sensor (e.g., laser rangefinder). The Arrow 100+ streams the content of that sensor to iOS or other mobile devices via the receiver's own location datastream.

Works Where Other Receivers Can't
The Arrow 100 was explicitly designed with GIS users in mind. When GPS satellites are just not enough, the Arrow 100 connects to GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou signals, creating access to at least 100 satellites! This GNSS receiver squeezes more accuracy from SBAS corrections than any other receiver in the world. The Arrow 100 delivers superior accuracy and performance under trees, buildings, and rugged terrain. Accurate positioning occurs in real-time, with no post-processing required. The Arrow 100 also features the ability to be used with single-frequency RTK. Achieve 1cm accuracy when the baseline is less than 10km (6 miles).

  • (1) Arrow 100 receiver with Arrow Smart Battery Pack
  • (1) Single-Frequency GNSS / LBand Precision Antenna
  • (2) Antenna Cables
  • (1) Soft hat for Antenna
  • (1) Nylon Carrying Case (belt-clip & shoulder strap)
  • (1) 12V International Power Supply for Arrow Smart Battery
  • (1) USB Data Cable
Questions & Answers
Do you need an antenna for the unit to operate?
Yes, the antenna is how you receive signals from satellites.
Are data points corrected to buffer disturbances in the satellite signal?
Yes, post-processing and real-time corrections can be achieved with proprietary software or SBAS/LBAS respectively.
How is my Arrow 100 powered?
The Arrow 100 is powered by a field replaceable Lithium-Ion pack.
What type of connector can I use with my Arrow 100?
The Arrow 100 has Bluetooth 2.0 and mini USB Type B ports.
What is the difference between the Arrow 100 and Arrow 100+?
The Arrow 100+ is the latest release from Eos that supports Atlas H50 (Basic) for 30cm L-Band accuracy. It also offers an 18+ hour battery life compared with 12+ hours, and it supports multiplexing data streams to multiple devices via Bluetooth. See the Eos Arrow Comparison Chart on the Documents tab for more information.
Is the L1 RTK activation included with the Arrow 100?
The L1 RTK activation is an optional add-on for the Arrow 100. It is a standard feature on the Arrow 100+.
What format is the data output from the Eos Arrow GNSS receivers?
The Eos Arrow GNSS units output data in NMEA sentences.
Can the Arrow 100 connect to multiple iPads at once? If so, how far in range does the main unit have to be?
Yes, you can connect multiple devices with the Arrow 100+ and Arrow Gold+ versions. The estimated range in flat open ground is 300 meters.
The screws that came with the mounting plate are too big (wide) for the holes in my older EOS antenna. Do you know what size screws I need?
If the antenna is older, the screws to connect the antenna to the mounting plated should be 4-40, 7/32 Flat Head, Stainless Steel. The new style is 6-32, 1/4 Flat Head.
Does the Arrow100+ come with the Atlas H50 correction service already installed?
No. The Eos Arrow100+ GNSS Receiver is only compatible with the Atlas H50 subscription service (sold separately). Once purchased, the subscription is permanent.
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