About Samantha Baxter

Samantha M. Baxter is a Writer and the Managing Editor for Fondriest Environmental. She is in the process of obtaining B.A. degrees in Integrated Language Arts Education and Political Science at Wright State University. She was hired as an intern in the spring of 2022 and has continued to work as a writer and editor for the Environmental Monitor, FishSens Magazine and other Fondriest Environmental pages. As a writer, Samantha works with researchers from across the country to craft stories that highlight their work and its impacts. As an editor, Samantha works with graphic designers, fellow writers, and various environmental professionals to create unique content for Fondriest Environmental. Samantha enjoys swimming, running, reading and playing video games in her free time.

Articles By Samantha Baxter

Picture of the 2015 bloom in Maumee Bay
High Definition Stream Survey motor boat in action on the Upper Delaware River in Pennsylvania.
Field crews prepare NOAA’s CURBY for temporary deployment near the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge on April 4, 2024. Pictured clockwise from top: Eddie Roggenstein, Shaena Rausch, and Katie Kirk.
EXO 2 stilling well setup at Lost River Rise site
Superbuoy (a CB-950) deployed on Buffalo Pound Lake on a clear day
Spring 2024 Environmental Monitor: Climate Emergencies & Natural Disasters. A gray background with various pages opened to reveal different spreads.
FOTL members Kendra Kilson, Rebekah White, and Fairfield University professor Jen Klug pose with the buoy.
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan staff- Sheena McInnes and Heather Wilson- conduct winter limnology on a Saskatchewan reservoir, Canada at -30 degrees Celsius
Photo of Mohonk Lake 75% ice covered on January 17, 2024.
: Acadia NP Biological Technician Jake Van Gorder collects a water quality data profile using a YSI EXO1 sonde during a monthly lake monitoring visit.
Biology Field Station field trip participants electrofish on the Ohio River.
A NexSens water quality monitoring station located at the hydroelectric dam's stilling basin
A CB-950 deployed in Belize.
CB-75-SVS buoy deployed off the shore of Chicago with a view of Lake Michigan.
A Nexsens datalogger sits on the open lid of its metal housing attached to Langley Bridge overlooking the Neosho River downstream of Pensacola Dam in Oklahoma.
A NexSens Cb-650 deployed downstream of Klamath Dam
A water research analyst prepares an EXO1 Sonde for spot sampling.
Data buoy in seemingly clean water, but the white foamy scum on the water surface contained high concentrations of cyanobacteria (MIcrocystis aeruginosa), a tell-tale indicator or harmful algal blooms.
Co-founder and CEO of ecoSPEARS Sergie Albino standing in front of a small pond holding his remediation tool, ecoSPEARS.
Upper Scioto River nutrient sampling site in Kenton, OH. This site does not have a building, so the X2 data logger and sondes, located down in the river, are powered by the solar panel.