Solinst DataGrabber 5 Data Transfer Device

The DataGrabber 5 provides an inexpensive and portable option for Solinst datalogger users to download data directly to a USB flash drive.


  • One push-button to download data
  • Compatible with most USB flash drives
  • Connects to a Levelogger’s L5 Direct Read Cable/Adapter or LevelVent/AquaVent 5 Wellhead

The DataGrabber 5 connects to a Levelogger’s direct read cable; alternatively, an L5 Threaded or Slipfit Adaptor allows you to connect it directly to a Levelogger 5. The DataGrabber connects to an AquaVent 5 Wellhead using a Connector Cable, or directly to a LevelVent 5 Wellhead. The USB flash drive key is plugged into the socket on the front of the DataGrabber.

A push-button on the DataGrabber 5 starts the downloading process. All of the data in the datalogger’s memory is transferred to the USB device. The DataGrabber comes with a 2 GB USB flash drive key with a second connection for a USB-C device, if required. It is also compatible with most other USB flash drives. The datalogger is not interrupted if it is still logging. The data in the datalogger memory is not erased.

A light changes colour to indicate when the DataGrabber 5 is properly connected, when the data transfer is taking place, and when the data has been successfully downloaded. The DataGrabber uses one 9 volt alkaline or lithium battery that is easy to replace when required.

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Solinst DataGrabber 5 Data Transfer Device
DataGrabber 5 data transfer device, includes 2GB USB flash drive
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