YOUNG AQ Wind Monitors

The YOUNG 05305 Wind Monitor-AQ is a high resolution wind sensor designed specifically for air quality applications.


  • Wind speed 0-50 m/s (112 mph)
  • Meets US EPA Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
  • Precision grade, stainless steel ball bearings are used throughout
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The YOUNG 05305 AQ Wind Monitor is a high-resolution wind sensor designed specifically for air quality applications. Available with two additional output signal options. Model 05305V offers calibrated 0 -1 VDC outputs (0-5 VDC optional), convenient for use with many data loggers. Model 05305L provides a calibrated 4-20 mA current signal for each channel, useful in high noise areas or for long cables (up to several kilometers). Signal conditioning electronics are integrated into the sensor junction box.

Wind speed is sensed by a lightweight, carbon fiber thermoplastic (CFT), helicoid propeller. Propeller rotation produces an AC sine wave voltage signal with a frequency directly proportional to wind speed. Slip rings and brushes are not used.

The wind direction sensor is a lightweight vane with performance characteristics that assure excellent fidelity in fluctuating wind conditions. Vane position is sensed by a precision potentiometer. Output is a DC voltage directly proportional to the vane angle.

The instrument body is UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum fittings. Precision-grade, stainless steel ball bearings are used throughout. Transient protection and cable terminations are located in a convenient junction box. The instrument mounts on a standard 1" pipe.

The RM Young 05305 AQ Wind Monitor meets the requirements of the following regulatory agencies: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency's NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23 Meteorological Programs in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, and the American Nuclear Society's Standard for Determining Meteorological Information at Power Plants.

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YOUNG AQ Wind Monitors
Wind speed & direction monitor, meets EPA air quality monitoring specifications
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RM Young 05305V Wind Monitor-AQ
Wind speed & direction monitor, meets EPA air quality monitoring specifications, 0-5 V
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RM Young 05305L Wind Monitor-AQ
Wind speed & direction monitor, meets EPA air quality monitoring specifications, 4-20 mA
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