YSI ProDSS Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

The YSI ProDSS optical dissolved oxygen sensor is a digital smart sensor featuring welded titanium construction for use with the ProDIGITAL family of instruments.


  • 0 to 50 mg/L measurement range
  • T63<5 sec response time
  • ±0.1 mg/L or 1% of reading accuracy from 0 to 20 mg/L
List Price $1,190.00

The YSI ProDSS optical dissolved oxygen sensor is a digital smart sensor featuring welded titanium construction for use with the ProDIGITAL family of instruments. Compatible instruments include the ProDSS Meter, ProSwap Meter, and ProSwap Logger.

The principle of operation of the ProDSS optical dissolved oxygen sensor is based on the well-documented concept that dissolved oxygen quenches both the intensity and the lifetime of the luminescence associated with a carefully chosen chemical dye. The ProDSS DO sensor operates by shining a blue light of the proper wavelength on this luminescent dye which is immobilized in a matrix and formed into a disk. The blue light causes the immobilized dye to luminesce and the lifetime of this dye luminescence is measured via a photodiode in the probe. To increase the accuracy and stability of the technique, the dye is also irradiated with red light during part of the measurement cycle to act as a reference in the determination of the luminescence lifetime.

When there is no oxygen present, the lifetime of the signal is maximal; as oxygen is introduced to the membrane surface of the sensor, the lifetime becomes shorter. Thus, the lifetime of the luminescence is inversely proportional to the amount of oxygen present and the relationship between the oxygen pressure outside the sensor and the lifetime can be quantified by the Stern-Volmer equation: ((Tzero/T) – 1) versus O2 pressure. For most lifetime-based optical DO sensors, this Stern-Volmer relationship is not strictly linear (particularly at higher oxygen pressures) and the data must be processed using analysis by polynomial non-linear regression. Fortunately, the non-linearity does not change significantly with time so that, as long as each sensor is characterized with regard to its response to changing oxygen pressure, the curvature in the relationship does not affect the ability of the sensor to accurately measure oxygen for an extended period of time.

ProDSS Smart Sensor Specifications:

Range Accuracy* Resolution


0 to 200 mS/cm

From 100 to 200 mS/cm: ± 1% 

**0.001, 0.01 or 0.1 µS/cm


-5 to 70 °C

± 0.2 °C 

0.1 °C or 0.1 °F

Dissolved Oxygen

0 to 50 mg/L

From 0 to 20 mg/L: ± 1% 

From 20 to 50 mg/L: ± 8%

0.01 mg/L or 0.1 mg/L 


0 to 14

± 0.2 



-1999 to 1999 mV

± 20 mV

0.1 mV


0 to 4000 FNU

From 0 to 999 FNU: ± 2%

From 1000 to 4000 FNU: ± 5%

0.1 FNU

Freshwater Total Algae

0 to 100 µg/L PC

r2 = 0.999

0.01 µg/L PC

Saltwater Total Algae

0 to 280 µg/L PE

r2 = 0.999

0.01 µg/L PE


0 to 200 mg/L

± 10%

0.01 mg/L


0 to 200 mg/L 

± 10%

0.01 mg/L


0 to 1000 mg/L Cl

± 15%

0.01 mg/L

*Reference specification for each sensor for more details on accuracy
** Range dependent

Questions & Answers
How often does the ProDSS dissolved oxygen sensor need to be calibrated?
The dissolved oxygen probe should be calibrated every time the meter is used and can be calibrated in both % and mg/L simultaneously.
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