Van Essen Baro-Diver Barometric Pressure Logger

The Van Essen Baro-Diver accurately captures changes in atmospheric pressure for compensating water level measurements from Diver loggers.


  • Compact size: 22mm diameter x 110mm length
  • Stores 72,000 records of time stamp, pressure and temperature with backup
  • Continuous and fixed length memory (linear sample method)
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Van Essen Baro-Diver Barometric Pressure Logger

The Van Essen Baro-Diver ensures accurate capture of changes in atmospheric pressure. Conveniently priced and easy to adjust, one Baro-Diver covers a radius of up to 15 km, depending on the topography. The Baro-Diver can also be used for measuring shallow water levels up to approximately 1.5 meters.

The Baro-Diver has an internal memory capable of storing 72,000 measurements per parameter with new backup memory feature. For each measurement, the Van Essen Baro-Diver simultaneously registers barometric pressure, air temperature, date and time.


  • Monitor potable water recharge areas for water supply
  • Monitor tailing ponds, dewatering activities and water supply levels of mines
  • General site investigations for construction
  • Contaminant plume monitoring on spill sites, remediation sites, chemical storage facilities, landfill sites and hazardous waste storage sites
Questions & Answers
Do the batteries need to be charged in a Van Essen Baro-Diver pressure & temperature logger?
The batteries do not need to be charged.
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Van Essen Baro-Diver Barometric Pressure Logger
Baro-Diver pressure & temperature logger, 1.5m range
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