Chesapeake Bay (Maryland) NERR’s environmental monitoring efforts are supported by many organizations including the University of Maryland and NOAA.
Tetra Tech engineers use a cellular data logger and YSI EXO2 in tracking discharge from a confined disposal facility during a New Jersey dredging project.
Scientists at Western Kentucky University lead an investigation of Icelandic glaciers, dynamic ice sheets that are largely understudied.
An updated EXO Handheld Display boasts improved ease-of-use and performance for YSI’s line of EXO Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sondes.
University of Utah scientists study microbial lifeforms in Canada’s Gros Morne National Park with a YSI Pro Plus water quality meter and a flow cell.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife biologists use a YSI Pro2030 meter in work to restore brook trout habitat in New York streams.
Ball State University scientists use a YSI EXO2 sonde to study the movement of carbon and nutrients in a Kentucky karst aquifer.
Some of the Fondriest crew recently visited the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center to help assist with calibration training on YSI EXO2 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sondes. Members from our team were joined by other experts from...
Western Kentucky University researchers use a NexSens 3100-iSIC data logger and a YSI EXO2 sonde to track groundwater dynamics in a karst system in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Consultants with Task Environmental are relying on a YSI 556 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meter to help with groundwater remediation work. The 556 is the ideal instrument for the task because of its quality construction. “I have used...
An intensive monitoring effort around man-made cross vanes and J-hooks found the in-stream structures effective.
The fluorescent dissolved organic matter probe measures light-absorbing particles in water.
A new line of multiparameter sondes is making a splash in the water monitoring market. The recently introduced YSI EXO line offers simpler calibration, more rugged materials and a future-proof design. The new water quality sondes can...
YSI recently released updated versions of the economical EcoSense handheld environmental testing devices that edge the EcoSense line closer to high-end handhelds. The update resulted from an aging product and feedback from the people who used the...