YSI EXO2s Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde

The YSI EXO2s is a compact, batteryless sonde that comes with the same capabilities as the EXO2, and is ideal for specialized applications where external power is supplied.


  • Ideal for spot sampling or attachment to data buoys, AUV's, drones, etc.
  • Smaller, lighter sondes can be deployed in tight spaces
  • A more budget-friendly EXO without alkaline batteries
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The YSI EXO2s represents an advanced sonde platform that offers a wide range of capabilities to those dedicated to monitoring natural aquatic environments such as oceans, estuaries, rivers, lakes, and groundwater. The YSI EXO2s is a compact, batteryless sonde that comes with the same capabilities as the EXO2, and is ideal for specialized applications where external power is supplied. With a highly efficient power management platform, robust construction, and a chemistry-free anti-fouling system, the YSI EXO2s allows accurate data collection for up to 90 days between service intervals.

Multi-Port Water Quality Sonde
The EXO2s sonde includes six sensor ports and a central anti-fouling wiper option. Sensor parameters include:

  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Depth
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • pH
  • ORP
  • Total algae (phycocyanin or phycoerythrin along with chlorophyll)
  • Turbidity
  • Fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM)
  • Rhodamine WT
  • UV nitrate
  • ISE ammonium
  • ISE nitrate
  • ISE chloride

Outputs Four Calculated Parameters.

  • Salinity
  • Specific conductance
  • Total dissolved solids (TDS)
  • Total suspended solids (TSS)

Onboard Signal Processing and Memory
All EXO sensors are digital sensors with onboard signal processing and memory. Built-in sensor diagnostic and calibration data allow users to calibrate multiple sensors in one sonde and distribute them to various other sondes in the field. Wet-mateable connectors allow for swaps in wet conditions, while active port monitoring automatically detects each sensor and verifies operation.

EXO2s Specifications
Diameter: 7.62cm (3.00 in)
Length (with guard): 42.87cm (16.88 in)
Peripheral Ports: 1 power communication port; 1 auxiliary port for third-party sensors (future functionality; not active yet)
Sensor Ports: 7 (6 ports available when central wiper used)
3-Year Warranty: Sonde; handheld
2-Year Warranty: Cables; conductivity/temperature and optical sensors; electronics base for pH, pH/ORP, ammonium, chloride, and nitrate sensors
1-Year Warranty: Optical DO cap and replaceable reagent modules for pH and pH/ORP sensors
3-Month Warranty: Replaceable reagent modules for ammonium, chloride, and nitrate sensors
Weight: 1.06kg (2.34 lbs)

General Sonde Specifications
Power Requirement: 9-16 VDC
Computer Interface
: YSIP via USB Signal Output Adapter (SOA) and Bluetooth
Output Options: RS-232 & SDI-12 via DCP-SOA; Modbus & RS-485 via Modbus-SOA
Data Memory: 512 MB total memory; >1,000,000 Logged readings
Depth Rating: 0 to 250m (0 to 820 ft)
Sample Rate: Up to 4 Hz
Operating Temperature: -5 to +50°C (23 to 122°F)
Storage Temperature: -20 to +80°C (-4 to 176°F)

  • (1) EXO2s sonde
  • (1) Probe guard
  • (1) Calibration cup
  • (1) Tool kit
  • (4) Port plugs
  • (1) USB drive loaded with manual & Kor Software
Questions & Answers
Can this sonde be powered by the EXO Handheld Display?
Yes, the EXO Handheld Display can power any of the EXO sondes for up to 20 hours on a single charge.
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YSI EXO2s Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde
EXO2s batteryless multi-parameter water quality sonde with 6 sensor ports & 1 wiper port, no depth sensor
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YSI EXO2s Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde
EXO2s batteryless multi-parameter water quality sonde with 6 sensor ports & 1 wiper port, 10m depth sensor
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YSI EXO2s Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde
EXO2s batteryless multi-parameter water quality sonde with 6 sensor ports & 1 wiper port, 100m depth sensor
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YSI EXO2s Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sonde
EXO2s batteryless multi-parameter water quality sonde with 6 sensor ports & 1 wiper port, 250m depth sensor
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